Scientific Agenda


Day 1 – Thursday, 16 March 2023

7:30 – 15:00



Abdulelah Alshaiban – Abdulkarim Alswidah


Noura Aloudah – Khalid Alsaad

8:30 – 9:00

Indications to start and stop RRT in severely ill AKI patients

Speaker: Ravindra Mehta (v)

Overview of The Latest Banff Classification of Renal Allograft Pathology

Speaker: Nasreen Mohammed

9:00 – 9:30

Acute Kidney Injury in the Setting of Liver Cirrhosis

Speaker: Khalid Alamiri

Role of Renal Biopsy in Acute Kidney Injury


Speaker: Turki Al Hussain

9:30 – 10:00

Are improved KDIGO definitions of AKI and AKD needed?

Speaker:Ravindra Mehta (v)

Antibody-mediated rejection without anti-HLA DSA

Speaker: Marten Naesens (v)

10:00 – 10:30

Coffee Break

Plenary Session 1
Riyadh Hall (A)

Chairpersons: Bader Alhumaid     –    Mohammed Alkhuwaiter

10:30 – 11:00

Anticoagulation for CKRT

Speaker: Tim Bunchman

11:00 – 11:30

Sepsis-Associated AKI: An Update.

Speaker: Patrick Murray

11:30 – 12:00

The continuum of AKI and its treatment

Speaker: Claudio Ronco (v)

12:00 – 12:20

Prayer Break

12:20 – 13:00

Luncheon Symposium 1

Riyadh Hall (A) – BAXTER

Luncheon Symposium 2

Riyadh Hall (B) – ViforPharma

13:00 -13:30

Opening Ceremony – Riyadh Hall A

Critical Care Nephrology

Session 2 – Riyadh Hall (A)


Rehab Albaker    Abdullah Al Zulfah

Transplant Immunology

Riyadh Hall (B)


Dunia Jawdat           Ashraf Dada

13:30 – 14:00

New Drugs for AKI.

Speaker: Patrick Murray

HLA Epitope matching in kidney transplantation

Speaker: Moheeb Al-Awwami

14:00 -14:30

Acute cardiorenal syndrome

Speaker: Mohammed Alarifi

The Development of Molecular Diagnostics for Xenotransplantation

Speaker: Robert Montgomery

14:30 -15:00

Appropriate dosing of CKRT

Speaker: Ghassan Alghamdi

Moving beyond HLA; Time to Include Testing for Non-HLA Antibodies in solid organ transplantation

Speaker: Rabab Al-Attas

15:00 -15:30

Neonatal AKI risk stratification score

Speaker: Sidharth Sethi


Speaker: Raja Rajalingman


Kidney Replacement Therapies (Adult)

Time: 14:30 – 16:10



Station 1


Peritoneal Dialysis catheter placement & prescription (Acute setting)

Abdullah Alhwiesh


Station 2


CRRT Machine and Prescription Modalities

Patrick Murray


Station 3


Hemodialysis Machine & Prescription (Acute Setting and SLED)

Sandip Mitra

Taif 1

Station 4


TPE Prescription

Tandem Therapies – CRRT and Plasma Exchange

Rupesh Raina

Taif 2

End of Day 1

Day 2 – Friday, 17 March 2023

Riyadh Hall (A)

Riyadh Hall (B)

Session1 HD

Chairpersons : Samer Alqasemi - Abdullah Almalki

Peritoneal Dialysis

Chairpersons : Ahmed Alsallom - Abdulaziz Alshathri

8:00 – 8:30


Speaker: Sandip Mitra  

Incremental PD: Clinical Benefits and Limitations 

Speaker: Sultan Aldalbahi 

8:30 – 9:00

Advancements Toward Artificial Kidney: current status and future promise 

Speaker: Shuvo Roy (v)

Peritoneal Dialysis in AKI: ISPD guidelines

 Speaker: Abdullah Alhweish 

9:00 – 9:30

HD mathematical calculations and nomenclature

Speaker: Rupesh Raina 

Fluid homeostasis in patients on PD 

Speaker: Wim VanBiesen (V)

9:30 – 10:00

Coffee Break

Plenary Session 2
Riyadh Hall (A)


Saeed Alghamdi – Khalid Alsaaran

10:00 – 10:30

Optimizing PD treatment 

Speaker: Wim VanBiesen (v)

10:30 – 11:00

Adsorption: The new frontier in blood purification

Speaker: Claudio Ronco (v)

11:00 – 11:30

Protein energy wasting in dialysis patients: how to monitor and manage to improve outcomes  

Speaker: Bernard Canaud 

11:30 – 12:50

Prayer Break

12:50 – 13:30

Luncheon Symposium 3

Riyadh Hall (A) – Fresenius

Luncheon Symposium 4

Riyadh Hall (B) – Amgen

HD Session 2 Riyadh Hall (A)

Chairpersons : Abdullah Alsalloum - Muthana Alsahlawi

Nursing Session, Dialysis and CKRT Riyadh Hall (B)

Chairpersons : Abdullah Bohassan - Meshal Alkholaifi

13:30 – 14:00

Dialysis systemic induced stress: how to reduce it and improve outcomes?

Speaker: Bernard Canaud

Can advance technology in hemodialysis monitor prevent intradialytic hypotension?

Speaker: Bander Alyami 

14:00 -14:30


Speaker: Sandip Mitra 

The provision of HD treatment is

reliant on high quality vascular access

Speaker: Wesam Abedrabo

14:30 -15:00

Vascular access, what nephrologist should know

Speaker: Ali Al Faqeeh 

Optimizing the nursing role into a more efficient renal replacement therapy

Speaker: Mahmoud Ibrahim

15:00 -15:30

New trends in managing sHPT

Speaker: Sami Alobidi

Citrate anticoagulation is the new Trend of anticoagulation, nursing prospective 

Speaker: Allan Moral

15:30 – 16:00

Prayer and Coffee Break


Kidney Replacement Therapies (Nurses)

Time: 8:30 – 10:00



Station 1


HD Machine Setup, Alarms & Troubleshooting

Bandar Alyami


Station 2


CRRT Machine Setup, Blood Priming, Monitoring & Troubleshooting

Allan Moral


Station 3


Peritoneal Dialysis Machine Setup, Alarms & Troubleshooting

Abdullah Bohassan

Taif 1


Kidney Replacement Therapy (Pediatric)

Time: 14:30 – 16:10

Station 1


TPE Prescription

Tandem Therapies – CRRT and Plasma Exchange

Rupesh Raina


Station 2


Acute Hemodialysis and PIRRT-SLED Prescription 

Sidharth Kumar Sethi


Station 3


CRRT Machine and Modality

Timothy Bunchman

Taif 1

Station 4


IPD Setting, Troubleshooting

Reny Joseph

Taif 2

End of Day 2

Day 3 – Saturday, 18 March 2023

Riyadh Hall (A)

Riyadh Hall (B)

Clinical Transplantation- Session 1

Chairpersons: Khalid Almeshari - Mohammed Almaghrabi

Home Hemodialysis

Chairpersons: Turki Banaamah - Abdullah Alharthi

8:30 – 9:00

Recurrent glomerulonephritis following Kidney transplantation: management and impact on graft survival

Speaker: Wael Habhab

Home HD

Experience of Western part of Saudi Arabia

Speaker: Haysam Roujouleh  

9:00 – 9:30

Post-transplant Recurrence of FSGS: International Consensus Guidelines

Speaker: Rupesh Raina

Is Home Hemodialysis a superior modality? 

Speaker: Bernard Canaud

9:30 – 10:00

Xenotransplantation: Turning the Corner

Speaker: Robert Montgomery

Home Hemodialysis in GCC

Speaker: Lutfi Alkorbi 

10:00 – 10:30

Coffee Break

Plenary Session 3 – Riyadh Hall (A)


Faisal Shaheen  –  Abdulnaser Alabbadi

10:30 – 11:00

The Story of an Unlikely Personal and Professional Transplant Odyssey

Speaker: Robert Montgomery

11:00 – 11:30


Speaker: ——

11:30 – 12:00


Speaker: Sandip Mitra  

12:00 – 12:20

Prayer Break

12:20 – 13:00

Luncheon Symposium 5

Riyadh Hall (A) – Al Redwan

Luncheon Symposium 6

Riyadh Hall (B) – Bayer

Clinical Transplantation Session 2

Chairperson: Turki Alotibi - Hani Alahdal

Pediatric Nephrology

Chairperson: Rezqah Aldhaferi - Abdulkareem Alonaizi

13:00 – 13:30

Kidney transplant from infant and neonatal donors: Feasibility and graft outcome, KFSH-D experience 

Speaker: Mansour Tawfeeq 

Pediatric Acute Dialysis Options

Speaker: Tim Bunchman 

13:30 -14:00

Kidney Transplantation in KSA; Achievement and Challenges 

Speaker: Hassan Eid 


Speaker: ——–

14:00 – 14:30

Expanding Kidney Donor Pool, What Options Do We Have?

Speaker: Abdulrahman Aldhiabi 

AKI in Children, Concept of Renal Recovery

Speaker: Jameela Kari 

14:30 – 15:00

Coffee Break

Transplant ID

Riyadh Hall (A)

Chairperson:  Fahad Alotiabi – Majed Alofi

Transplant Nurses/Coordinators

Riyadh Hall (B)

Chairperson: Layal Fajji – Maha Alshamary               

15:00 -15:30

Updates on CMV management including novel therapies

Speaker: Camille Nelson Kotton (V)

A partner for and a key to success: Pediatric kidney transplant coordinator hidden rules

Speaker: Majid Taiba

15:30- 16:00 

Travel medicine for transplant patients

Speaker: Camille Nelson Kotton (V)

Nursing care for patients with an immediate post-kidney transplant  

Speaker: — 

Day 1 – Thursday, 16 March 2023

7:30 – 15:00



Abdulelah Alshaiban – Abdulkarim Alswidah


Noura Aloudah – Khalid Alsaad
8:30 – 9:00
Indications to start and stop RRT in severely ill AKI patients Speaker: Ravindra Mehta (v)
Overview of The Latest Banff Classification of Renal Allograft Pathology Speaker: Nasreen Mohammed
9:00 – 9:30
Acute Kidney Injury in the Setting of Liver Cirrhosis Speaker: Khalid Alamiri
Role of Renal Biopsy in Acute Kidney Injury Speaker: Turki Al Hussain
9:30 – 10:00
Kidney Recovery and long term outcomes of AKI Speaker:Ravindra Mehta (v)
Antibody-mediated rejection without anti-HLA DSA Speaker: Marten Naesens (v)
10:00 – 10:30
Coffee Break
Plenary Session 1 Riyadh Hall (A)
Chairpersons: Bader Alhumaid     –    Mohammed Alkhuwaiter
10:30 – 11:00

Anticoagulation for CKRT

Speaker: Tim Bunchman
11:00 – 11:30

Sepsis-Associated AKI: An Update.

Speaker: Patrick Murray

11:30 – 12:00

The continuum of AKI and its treatment

Speaker: Claudio Ronco (v)

12:00 – 12:20

Prayer Break

12:20 – 13:00

Industrial Symposium

Riyadh Hall (A) – BAXTER Chairperson : Ayman Karkar

Industrial Symposium

Riyadh Hall (B) – ViforPharma Chairperson:ــــــــــــــــــ

13:00 -13:30

Opening Ceremony – Riyadh Hall A

Critical Care Nephrology Session 2 – Riyadh Hall (A)


Rehab Albaker    Abdullah Al Zulfah

Transplant Immunology Riyadh Hall (B)


Dunia Jawdat           Ashraf Dada

13:30 – 14:00

New Drugs for AKI.

Speaker: Patrick Murray

HLA Epitope matching in kidney transplantation

Speaker: Moheeb Al-Awwami

14:00 -14:30

Acute cardiorenal syndrome

Speaker: Mohammed Alarifi

The Development of Molecular Diagnostics for Xenotransplantation

Speaker: Robert Montgomery

14:30 -15:00

Appropriate dosing of CKRT

Speaker: Ghassan Alghamdi

Moving beyond HLA; Time to Include Testing for Non-HLA Antibodies in solid organ transplantation

Speaker: Rabab Al-Attas

15:00 -15:30

Neonatal AKI risk stratification score

Speaker: Sidharth Sethi


Speaker: Raja Rajalingman

Day 2 – Friday, 17 March 2023

Riyadh Hall (A)

Riyadh Hall (B)

Session1 HD

Chairpersons :
Samer Alqasemi – Abdullah Almalki

Peritoneal Dialysis

Chairpersons : Ahmed Alsallom – Abdulaziz Alshathri

8:00 – 8:30


Speaker: Sandip Mitra  

Incremental PD: Clinical Benefits and Limitations 

Speaker: Sultan Aldalbahi 

8:30 – 9:00

Advancements Toward Artificial Kidney: current status and future promise 

Speaker: Shuvo Roy (v)

Peritoneal Dialysis in AKI: ISPD guidelines

 Speaker: Abdullah Alhweish 

9:00 – 9:30

HD mathematical calculations and nomenclature

Speaker: Rupesh Raina 

Fluid homeostasis in patients on PD 

Speaker: Wim VanBiesen (V)

9:30 – 10:00

Coffee Break

Plenary Session 2
Riyadh Hall (A)


Saeed Alghamdi – Khalid Alsaaran

10:00 – 10:30

Optimizing PD treatment 

Speaker: Wim VanBiesen (v)

10:30 – 11:00

Adsorption: The new frontier in blood purification

Speaker: Claudio Ronco (v)

11:00 – 11:30

Protein energy wasting in dialysis patients: how to monitor and manage to improve outcomes  

Speaker: Bernard Canaud 

11:30 – 12:50

Prayer Break

12:50 – 13:30

Luncheon Symposium 3

Riyadh Hall (A) – Fresenius

Luncheon Symposium 4

Riyadh Hall (B) – Amgen

HD Session 2
Riyadh Hall (A)

Chairpersons : Abdullah Alsalloum – Muthana Alsahlawi

Nursing Session, Dialysis and CKRT
Riyadh Hall (B)

Chairpersons : Abdullah Bohassan – Meshal Alkholaifi

13:30 – 14:00

Dialysis systemic induced stress: how to reduce it and improve outcomes?

Speaker: Bernard Canaud

Can advance technology in hemodialysis monitor prevent intradialytic hypotension?

Speaker: Bander Alyami 

14:00 -14:30


Speaker: Sandip Mitra 

The provision of HD treatment is

reliant on high quality vascular access

Speaker: Wesam Abedrabo

14:30 -15:00

Vascular access, what nephrologist should know

Speaker: Ali Al Faqeeh 

Optimizing the nursing role into a more efficient renal replacement therapy

Speaker: Mahmoud Ibrahim

15:00 -15:30

New trends in managing sHPT

Speaker: Sami Alobidi

Citrate anticoagulation is the new Trend of anticoagulation, nursing prospective 

Speaker: Allan Moral

15:30 – 16:00

Prayer and Coffee Break


Day 3 – Saturday, 18 March 2023

Riyadh Hall (A)

Riyadh Hall (B)

Clinical Transplantation- Session 1

Chairpersons: Khalid Almeshari – Mohammed Almaghrabi

Home Hemodialysis

Chairpersons: Turki Banaamah – Abdullah Alharthi

8:30 – 9:00

Recurrent glomerulonephritis following Kidney transplantation: management and impact on graft survival

Speaker: Wael Habhab

Home HD

Experience of Western part of Saudi Arabia

Speaker: Haysam Roujouleh  

9:00 – 9:30

Post-transplant Recurrence of FSGS: International Consensus Guidelines

Speaker: Rupesh Raina

Is Home Hemodialysis a superior modality? 

Speaker: Bernard Canaud

9:30 – 10:00

Xenotransplantation: Turning the Corner

Speaker: Robert Montgomery

Home Hemodialysis in GCC

Speaker: Lutfi Alkorbi 

10:00 – 10:30

Coffee Break

Plenary Session 3 – Riyadh Hall (A)


Faisal Shaheen  –  Abdulnaser Alabbadi

10:30 – 11:00

The Story of an Unlikely Personal and Professional Transplant Odyssey

Speaker: Robert Montgomery

11:00 – 11:30


Speaker: ——

11:30 – 12:00


Speaker: Sandip Mitra  

12:00 – 12:20

Prayer Break

12:20 – 13:00

Luncheon Symposium 5

Riyadh Hall (A) – Al Redwan

Luncheon Symposium 6

Riyadh Hall (B) – Bayer

Clinical Transplantation
Session 2

Chairperson: Turki Alotibi – Hani Alahdal

Pediatric Nephrology

Rezqah Aldhaferi – Abdulkareem Alonaizi

13:00 – 13:30

Kidney transplant from infant and neonatal donors: Feasibility and graft outcome, KFSH-D experience 

Speaker:  ——

Pediatric Acute Dialysis Options

Speaker: Tim Bunchman 

13:30 -14:00

Kidney Transplantation in KSA; Achievement and Challenges 

Speaker: Hassan Eid 


Speaker: ——–

14:00 – 14:30

Expanding Kidney Donor Pool, What Options Do We Have?

Speaker: Abdulrahman Aldhiabi 

AKI in Children, Concept of Renal Recovery

Speaker: Jameela Kari 

14:30 – 15:00

Coffee Break

Transplant ID

Riyadh Hall (A)

Chairperson:  Fahad Alotiabi – Majed Alofi

Transplant Nurses/Coordinators

Riyadh Hall (B)

Chairperson: Layal Fajji – Maha Alshamary               

15:00 -15:30

Updates on CMV management including novel therapies

Speaker: Camille Nelson Kotton (V)

A partner for and a key to success: Pediatric kidney transplant coordinator hidden rules

Speaker: Majid Taiba

15:30- 16:00 

Travel medicine for transplant patients

Speaker: Camille Nelson Kotton (V)

Nursing care for patients with an immediate post-kidney transplant  

Speaker: — 

Day 1 – Thursday, 16 March 2023
7:30 – 15:00Registration
TimeRiyadh Hall (A)Riyadh Hall (B)
Critical Care Nephrology Session 1Transplant Pathology
Abdulelah Alshaiban
Abdulkareem Alsuwaida
Khalid Alsaad
Noura Aloudah
8:30 – 9:00Indications to start and stop RRT
in severely ill AKI patients
Speaker: Ravindra Mehta (v)
Overview of The Latest Banff
Classification of Renal Allograft
Speaker: Nisreen Mohammed
9:00 – 9:30Acute Kidney Injury in the Setting of
Liver Cirrhosis
Speaker: Khalid Alamiri
Role of Renal Biopsy in Acute Kidney
Speaker: Turki Al Hussain
9:30 – 10:00Kidney Recovery and long-term outcomes of AKI
Speaker: Ravindra Mehta (v)
Antibody-mediated rejection without
anti-HLA DSA
Speaker: Marten Naesens (v)
10:00 – 10:30Coffee Break
TimePlenary Session 1 – Riyadh Hall (A)
Bader Alhomayeed
Mohammed Alghonaim
10:30 – 11:00Anticoagulation for CKRT
Speaker: Tim Bunchman
11:00 – 11:30Sepsis-Associated AKI: An Update.
Speaker: Patrick Murray
11:30 – 12:00The continuum of AKI and its treatment
Speaker: Claudio Ronco (v)
12:00 – 12:20Prayer Break
12:20 – 13:00Industrial Symposium ViforPharma
Chairpersons: Najla Almalki
From Clinical Practice, How to Choose The Right K+ Binder
Speaker: Fadel Alrowaie
13:00 -13:30Opening Ceremony – Riyadh Hall A
TimeCritical Care Nephrology Session 2Transplant Immunology
Abdullah AlZulfah
Rehab Albaker
Abdullah AlJurayyan,MD
Dunia Jawdat
13:30 – 14:00New Drugs for AKI.
Speaker: Patrick Murray
HLA Epitope matching in kidney
Speaker: Moheeb Al-Awwami
14:00 -14:30Acute cardiorenal syndrome
Speaker: Mohammed Alarif
The Development of Molecular
Diagnostics for Xenotransplantation
Speaker: Robert Montgomery
14:30 -15:00Appropriate dosing of CKRT
Speaker: Ghassan Alghamdi
Moving beyond HLA; Time to Include
Testing for Non-HLA Antibodies in
solid organ transplantation
Speaker: Rabab Al-Attas
15:00 -15:30Vascular access, what
nephrologist should know
Speaker: Ali Al Faqeeh
Identifying acceptable HLA antibodies improves kidney transplantation
in highly sensitized patients without
desensitization treatment.
Speaker: Raja Rajalingman (V)
Day 2 – Friday, 17 March 2023
TimeRiyadh Hall (A)Riyadh Hall (B)
Hemodialysis – Session1Peritoneal Dialysis
Abdullah Almalki
Sameer Alqassimi
Abdulaziz Alshathri
Ahmed Alsallom
8:00 – 8:30Transition in haemodialysis – mind
the gap !
Speaker: Sandip Mitra
Incremental PD: Clinical Benefits
and Limitations
Speaker: Sultan Aldalbahi
8:30 – 9:00Advancements Toward Artificial
Kidney: current status and future
Speaker: Shuvo Roy (v)
Peritoneal Dialysis in AKI:
ISPD guidelines
Speaker:Abdullah Alhweish
9:00 – 9:30HD mathematical calculations
and nomenclature
Speaker: Rupesh Raina
Fluid homeostasis in patients
on PD
Speaker: Wim Van Biesen (V)
9:30 – 10:00Coffee Break
TimePlenary session 2 – Riyadh Hall (A)
Abdulkareem Alanazi
Saeed Alghamdi
10:00 – 10:30Anticoagulation for CKRT
Speaker: Tim Bunchman
10:30 – 11:00Sepsis-Associated AKI: An Update.
Speaker: Patrick Murray
11:00 – 11:30The continuum of AKI and its treatment
Speaker: Claudio Ronco (v)
11:30 – 12:50Prayer Break
12:50 – 13:30Industrial Symposium
Industrial Symposium
Chairpersons: Adi AlherbishChairpersons: Sultan Aldalbahi
Cardiovascular Risk And The Role Of Dialysers
Speaker: Fatih Kircelli
Etelcalcetide from Evidence to Clinical practice
Speaker: Abdullah Al-Malki 
TimeHemodialysis – Session2Nursing Session
Dialysis and CKRT
Abdullah Alsalloum
Muthana Alsahlawi
Abdullah Bohassan
Meshal Alkhulayf
13:30 – 14:00Hemodiafiltration – Best Practice
Speaker: Sandip Mitra
The provision of HD treatment is
reliant on high quality vascular
Speaker: Wesam Abedrabo
14:00 -14:30Neonatal AKI risk stratification score
Speaker: Sidharth Sethi
Optimizing the nursing role into
a more efficient renal replacement
Speaker: Mahmoud Ibrahim
14:30 -15:00Dialysis systemic induced stress:
how to reduce it and improve
Speaker: Bernard Canaud
15:00 -15:30New trends in managing sHPT
Speaker: Sami Alobidi
TimeRiyadh Hall (A)Riyadh Hall (B)
Hemodialysis – Session1Peritoneal Dialysis
Breakfast Industrial
Symposium DaVita
Breakfast Industrial
Symposium AstraZeneca
Chairperson: Mr.Faisal Al RashidChairperson: Mohamed Fahmy
8:00 – 8:40Home Hemodialysis and beyond
Speaker: Wisam al badr
The New era of managing HK in CKD patients & New Advancement in managing cardiorenal metabolic patients
Speaker: Vlado PerKovic
TimeClinical Transplantation –
Session 1
Home Hemodialysis
Abdulnaser Alabbadi
Mohammed Almagrabi
Abdullah Alharthi
Turki Banaamah
8:40 – 9:10Immunopathology of chronic rejection: is it all antibody-mediated?
Speaker: Olivier Thaunat (v)
Is Home Hemodialysis a superior
Speaker: Bernard Canaud
9:10 – 9:40Recurrent glomerulonephritis
following Kidney transplantation:
management and impact on graft
Speaker: Wael Habhab
Home HD
Experience of Western part of Saudi
Speaker: Haysam Roujouleh
10:10 – 10:40Xenotransplantation:
Turning the Corner
Speaker: Robert Montgomery
Home Hemodialysis in GCC
Speaker: Lutfi Alkorbi
10:10 – 10:40Coffee Break
TimePlenary session 2 – Riyadh Hall (A)
Faisal Shaheen
Khalid Almeshari
10:40 – 11:10The Story of an Unlikely Personal and Professional Transplant Odyssey
Speaker: Robert Montgomery
11:10 – 11:40Post-transplant Recurrence of FSGS: International Consensus Guidelines
Speaker: Rupesh Raina
11:40 – 12:10Heart Failure management in dialysis, evidence, and ongoing trials
Speaker: Sandip Mitra
12:10 – 12:30Prayer Break
12:30 – 13:10Industrial Symposium
Industry Luncheon Symposium
Industry Luncheon Symposium
Chairpersons Ava Eun Hye AlioChairpersons: Sultan Al Dalbhi
Optimizing Kidney Disease
Management through AI and Tech
Enabled Patient Monitoring
Speaker: Dave Kuraguntla
From Trial to Practice: A holistic
overview on the Management of
Diabetic Kidney Disease
Speaker: Lutfi Al Korbi
TimeClinical Transplantation –
Session 2
Pediatric Nephrology
Hani Alahdal
Turki Alotibi
Ibrahim Sondokji
Rezqah Aldhaferi
13:10 – 13:40ABOi Kidney Transplant in Children
Speaker:Sidharth Sethi
Pediatric Acute Dialysis Options
Speaker: Tim Bunchman
13:40 -14:10Kidney Transplantation in KSA;
Achievement and Challenges
Speaker: Hassan Al eid
New Approach of aHUS
Speaker: Kenneth Liberman
14:10 – 14:40Expanding Kidney Donor Pool, What
Options Do We Have?
Speaker: Abdulrahman Aldheaby
AKI After Pediatric Cardiac
Speaker: Jameela Kari
14:40 – 15:00Coffee Break
TimeTransplant IDTransplant Nurses /
Fahad Alotiabi
Majed Alof
Layal Fajji
Maha Alshammary
15:00 – 15:30Updates on CMV management
including novel therapies
Camille Nelson Kotton (V)
A partner for and a key to
success: Pediatric kidney
transplant coordinator hidden rules
Speaker: Majed Tiba
15:30- 16:00Travel medicine for transplant
Camille Nelson Kotton (V)
Nursing care for patients with an
immediate post-kidney transplant
Speaker: Afnan Al Toum